Psychiatry Residency Program

Psychiatry Home

Letter from the Director

Dear CFV Applicant,

Welcome! We're glad you're interested in our program. Due to the extreme circumstances we found ourselves in this year, you may not have the ability to walk around our campus and meet with us face-to-face. However, we hope through your interview with us you are able to learn about our program and future goals, the local community, our dedicated staff and residents, and the many educational opportunities available here.

First, there is no substitute for having great exposure and learning opportunities. The years of your residency form the base with which you build your career. Our program features primarily one-to-one supervision between attendings and residents to discuss matters in real time and provide supervision. CFV has many distinct advantages including a wide variety of interesting and diverse presentations. As a resident in our community-based program you also gain experience from Womack Army Medical Center, providing care to soldiers and their families from all over the world to Falcon's Children's Home, providing care to children and young mothers to multiple nursing homes to provide care to the elderly of our community.

Not only is our faculty dedicated to your education, but so is our community. We believe this is a great place to train. The diversity of patients, multitude of learning opportunities, close supervision, family feel, work-life balance, and sense of contribution all create an atmosphere that is not duplicated elsewhere.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Scott Klenzak, MD
Program Director
Cape Fear Valley Psychiatry Residency