CFVH facilities welcome children of all ages who are free of contagious illnesses to most units in our hospitals with a few exceptions.
Patients are generally allowed up to four visitors at a time, between the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and visitors may come and go during those hours. All patients are allowed to have one visitor stay overnight in their room if space allows, but overnight visitors must be in the hospital before visiting hours close, and cannot leave and return after 8 p.m., until visiting hours reopen the next day. Visitors to patients who are under any isolation protocols must follow any restrictions required for that patient. Patients will have the right to enjoy visitation privileges that are within the patient’s preferences and subject to the patient’s care team who will ultimately direct visitation on a case-by-case basis as determined by their provider and/or nurse. Cape Fear Valley Health recognizes that patient visitation can help promote healing and encourages visitation.
In the Emergency Department, visitors will not be allowed in the waiting room unless the patient is 65 years old or older, or is cognitively impaired, regardless of age. Those patients may have one visitor with them at a time in the waiting room or triage. For other patients, one visitor (16 years old and up) will be allowed once the patient has been given a room. Visitors to patients in the Emergency Department will be allowed to leave and return.
In the Pediatric Emergency Department, two parents and/or guardians will be allowed in the waiting room with pediatric patients in the Emergency Department. If siblings are present and not being seen for medical treatment, one parent will have to remain with the siblings and will not be allowed to enter the Peds ED. If a parent or guardian comes to the Peds ED with siblings not being seen for treatment, an exception will be made for that family until the parent or guardian can make arrangements for the pickup of the siblings.
The following exceptions and specifications are noted with this visitation policy:
• Labor and Delivery: Laboring mothers may have up to three designated support people, and those people cannot switch with other people during labor and delivery. Support people must be 16 years old or older.
• Family Centered Care: Visitors 6 years old and up may visit with up to four visitors per room. Siblings of any age are welcome to visit during normal visiting hours but will be included in the 4 visitors and must be accompanied by an adult.
• Pediatric patients/Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Parents/legal guardians may visit at any time. Only parents/legal guardians may add visitors to the list for pediatric patients. Visitors must be 12 years old and up.
• In the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), two banded visitors and four other designated visitors are allowed, and they must have their names identified at the secretary desk. They can visit at any time, but only two visitors are allowed at the bedside at any one time. These visitors may come and go. There is no space to allow for overnight stays. Visitors must be 16 years old or older. Siblings 5 years and older may visit on Saturdays and Sundays during the hours of 10am-5pm.
• Patients who need a healthcare decision maker or require communication assistance may have one Care Companion with them at all times. The Care Companion may be changed during visiting hours.
• End of Life patients may have up to four visitors at a time present at bedside. These visitors may be changed out during the End-of-Life visit. In certain circumstances, the nursing supervisor may allow for compassionate exceptions to this rule for End-of-Life patients.
Even in the above situations, visitors with symptoms of a fever or respiratory illness symptoms, including cough or shortness of breath, should remain home.