Cape Fear Valley Pediatric Care

Cape Fear Valley Pediatric Care provides comprehensive medical care, including diagnostic screening, patient/family education, medical evaluations, and consultation services, to patients, ranging from newborns to age 18.

Our goal is to provide high quality care and to interact with patients and their family with compassion, integrity, skill and knowledge.

Our staff physicians are all board-certified, and we accept all major insurance carriers.


Clarito Pang, MD, FAAP

Tahmida Jahangir, MD

Marie F. Ruiz-Copher, MD, FAAP

Donna Gray, MD

Issa M. Elgendy, MD, FAAP

Anjanette McIlwain, MD

Pediatric Endocrinologist

Brunilda Cordero, MD

Cape Fear Valley Pediatric Care
1262 Oliver Street
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm
(910) 615-4801

Cape Fear Valley Pediatric Care at Health Pavilion North
6387 Ramsey Street
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm; Fridays, 8 am to noon
(910) 615-3960

Bladen Kids' Care
300 A East McKay Street
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
(910) 862-5500 or (910) 862-2122
Monday to Saturday - 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Cape Fear Valley Pediatric Endocrinology
101 Robeson Street, Suit 410
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm; Fridays, 8 am to noon
(910) 615-1885