Take Charge Of Your Health is an initiative of Cape Fear Valley Health System to address health disparities faced by African Americans.
Numerous studies have shown growing health disparities in minority communities. African Americans represent by far the largest minority population in Cumberland County - approximately 40 percent.
African-American adults are almost twice as likely as non-Hispanic White adults to have been diagnosed with diabetes and 50 percent more likely to have a stroke.
Take Charge of Your Health is a multi-faceted campaign. Radio stations with primarily African-American listeners have become partners with the health system to promote Take Charge Of Your Health and disseminate health information.
They are WIDU 1600 AM, WFSS 91.9 FM, WCCG 104.5 FM, WUKS 107.7 FM, WMGU-Magic 106.9FM, WMFA 1400AM and WZFX Foxy 99. These stations have banded together for one common cause: to help reduce health disparities in the African-American community.