Nordberg Plastic Surgery

Body Lift Procedures Can Tighten and Define Your Entire Figure

Age, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations can dramatically affect the elasticity of your skin. Resulting loose, sagging skin can prevent you from wearing the clothes you love, impede your mobility, and cause other health concerns. Dr. Leif O. Nordberg performs body lift procedures at his Fayetteville, NC , practice to help you tighten and tone all of your problem areas. These procedures can address large portions of the body at once, and can even provide an entirely new figure. Dr. Nordberg will carefully evaluate your health, cosmetic goals, and skin quality to determine if a body lift is right for you. 

Woman walking on bridge

What Is a Body Lift?

A body lift is an extensive procedure to provide dramatic body contouring . There are three main techniques that can eliminate excess skin, and tighten muscles and underlying tissues. The procedures address different areas of your body, and can also be combined with liposuction for optimal results.

  • Lower body lift: Also known as a belt lipectomy, this procedure combines a butt lift and thigh lift to address the hips, buttocks, and thighs. Dr. Nordberg will make an incision around your waist, across the lower abdomen, and down your inner thighs. He can then remove excess fat and skin, pulling remaining skin taut for a smoother figure. Many patients will combine this lift with a tummy tuck to address the stomach as well.
  • Mid body lift: Otherwise known as a torsoplasty, this approach uses similar techniques as a lower body lift to remove excess fat and skin around the hips, buttocks, and thighs. However, a mid body lift also addresses the abdomen at the same time. The procedure tightens underlying muscles for a flatter stomach and trimmer waistline.
  • Upper body lift: This procedure typically addresses the arms, breasts, and back. With an arm lift , or brachioplasty, Dr. Nordberg will place an incision along the inside of your arm or armpit to remove excess tissue and tighten skin. He can also perform a breast lift  or breast augmentation  at the same time. To address your back, Dr. Nordberg can place vertical incisions along either side of your body, through which he will tighten the skin and remove excess tissue.

Dr. Nordberg can also combine multiple body lift procedures into what is known as a full body lift . In these cases, he may perform the various treatments in stages to ensure your safety and an easier recovery.

Are You a Candidate?

If aging has left you with sagging or excess skin, you may be a good candidate for these procedures. A body lift can also be beneficial if you have undergone significant weight loss. However, because of the extensiveness of the procedure, it is vital that you are in good overall health, and are able to maintain your weight. It is also important to avoid habits such as smoking and excessive drinking, which can decrease your ability to heal after surgery.

After a body lift, your new figure can boost your self-esteem, increase your ability to participate in activities you love, and provide lasting improvement to your quality of life.

Body Lift Recovery

Recovery time from a body lift can vary significantly, depending on which treatments you undergo. For lower and upper body lifts, you should plan to take about two weeks off from work. Mid body lifts may require as much as a month of downtime. A full body lift will require that you take up to six weeks for recovery at home.

While you heal, you will wear compression garments to support your incision sites and help your body maintain its new contours. You may also have drains to prevent fluid build-up, and will come to our office for regular follow-up appointments. It is important to avoid strenuous activities and follow all of Dr. Nordberg 's instructions for post-operative care. He will guide you as you return to exercise and your other daily activities.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Nordberg

After a body lift, your new figure can boost your self-esteem, increase your ability to participate in activities you love, and provide lasting improvement to your quality of life. Contact our office to begin your journey to a new you. 

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1841 Quiet Cove
Fayetteville, NC 28304

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